Through unrivaled training, the Marshall Teacher Residency provides aspiring California teachers with a one-year path to a teaching credential. Developed in coordination with the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE), our residency places hands-on practice, data-driven learning, collaboration, and mentorship at the heart of the year-long program. Plus, a Marshall Resident’s preparation amounts to well over 1,000 clinical hours, far above the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requirement of 600 clinical hours.
Ultimately, 100% of school leaders who host Marshall residents are confident in their abilities as first-year teachers, and partner schools overwhelmingly hire them into their classrooms.
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Applications open October 1, 2024! Register for an information session to learn more about the program.
Your clinical placement will be in the classroom 6–8 hours per day, four days per week through an entire school year.
With consistent coaching from your Cooperating Teacher, you’ll hone your craft and skill as you evolve from observation, to co-teaching, to leading the classroom.
You will experience every aspect of the teacher role, including planning, teaching, assessing, mentoring, communicating with families, and collaborating with colleagues.
Starting with a summer intensive and continuing one day per week throughout the school year, you’ll gather with your diverse cohort of Residents to master the credentialing coursework.
Led by expert faculty, coursework is project-based and integrated with your clinical experience.
The instruction you’ll receive reflects our core values, including deep self-reflection, culturally responsive teaching methods, and conversations about equity and inclusion.
You’ll benefit from multiple levels of support on your journey, including 1:1 mentoring, in-classroom coaching, and a connected community of Residents.
You will examine how theory from the coursework applies to what’s happening in your clinical placement. You’ll receive personalized support through coaching and mentorship. And, you’ll learn from other Residents’ experiences across different school sites while building a professional network.
Principal, Lindsay Unified School District
“Both of our Residents have become a key part of our campus culture. They are from the community and therefore bring their full selves to their roles. Students are connected to our residents, seek them out for support, and have genuine relationships with them. Both residents have fully moved into a space of using personalized learning to teach and have created agency and empowerment in their learners.”
All of our credential pathways are designed to give you the skills and knowledge to be a high-quality teacher for all students. Explore all of the credentialing options we offer below, or click here to download a printable version.
Elementary teachers facilitate learning for the same group of students (ages ranging from 4–11) all day and teach a broad array of subjects.
Residents gain knowledge in early childhood development. They learn to build students’ foundational skills and to nurture their love of learning and social-emotional development.
Residents practice planning and instruction, and learn theory and best practices across content areas with a particular focus on literacy and math instruction.
Residents also gain experience with interdisciplinary teaching, and the integration of subject areas — e.g., History, Science, Heath and Physical Education and Performing Arts — into the curriculum.
Residents spend their full-year clinical placement in an elementary classroom working alongside an experienced teacher.
In addition, Residents spend 3–5 hours per week during the fall semester engaged in a secondary classroom placement at the same school, 2–3 grade levels apart from the primary placement, giving Residents experience with upper and lower elementary grades.
Residents engage in independent student teaching for a minimum of four weeks in their primary placement classroom. During this time, Residents are the lead teachers, responsible for planning, instruction, assessment, and communication with families.
Middle and high school teachers specialize in a content area (e.g., Math or Science) and work with multiple student groups each day, ages ranging from 11 to 18.
Residents build knowledge in adolescent development and the skills to support students in preparing for college or career.
Residents learn and practice core pedagogy for their credential subject area, as well as theory and best practices for engaging and instructing adolescents.
Residents consider how to hold rigorous expectations while also supporting the diverse needs of learners, including students with disabilities, English Learners, and students struggling with literacy or academic language.
Residents spend their full-year clinical placement in a middle or high school classroom working alongside an experienced teacher with the same credential subject area. Most placements enable the Resident to teach 1–2 different courses or grade levels in the same subject area.
Residents interested in pursuing dual credentials have opportunities to gain exposure, observe and co-teach in a second classroom.
Residents engage in independent student teaching from January through June for a minimum of one class block (serving a consistent student group), while continuing to co-teach alongside the Cooperating Teacher for the remainder of the school day.
Education Specialists work with diverse learners, their families and service providers to determine and deliver the support students need to be successful in a general education context.
Residents engage in coursework alongside the general education Residents, building foundational teaching practices and skills that can be applied in a general education or special education context.
Residents also engage in specialized coursework, helping to build their knowledge of typical and atypical neurodevelopment and to acquire skills to support students with disabilities academically and behaviorally. Residents also build key skills in case management, collaboration, and advocacy.
The Education Specialist residency program is designed to allow multiple entry points. Residents entering with a general education teaching credential, or transferring from the general education residency program, can complete an accelerated pathway based on the specific requirements the Resident still needs to complete.
Residents are placed with a seasoned Education Specialist for the full year, enabling them to experience the various parts of this specialized role. They spend part of their day in the classroom co-teaching or working with small groups of students, followed by time focused on case management.
In the Fall semester, Residents observe and co-teach in general education classrooms, and also have the opportunity to observe in a variety of non-traditional educational settings.
Residents take on full responsibility for the provision of services with a caseload of students who reflect a diversity of ages, backgrounds, and needs, including students with autism. This includes providing support and monitoring their progress, collaborating with families and other service providers, and administering assessments and evaluations.
California continues to experience massive teacher shortages across the state in Mathematics and Science, including Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Special Education, and Multiple Subjects. We are prioritizing candidates with backgrounds and interests in these credential areas. Our students and our schools need you — take the first step and submit your application today!
The Marshall Teacher Residency was awarded a grant from the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) to expand our efforts to recruit, develop and retain Black teachers within our partner schools. The award comes through NCTR’s Black Educators Initiative (BEI), a multi-year, $20-million effort to recruit and train Black teachers through NCTR’s nationwide Network of teacher residency programs. As one of only 30 residencies selected for this competitive award, the Marshall Teacher Residency is leveraging these funds to increase stipends for its Residents, establish an emergency fund, and support recruitment efforts.
Of our 2023–24 residents, 64% identify as people of color, compared to only 21% of teachers nationwide. Students who have teachers and school leaders who reflect their identities experience increased academic outcomes in both the short and long term. Improved academic outcomes are associated with enhanced life outcomes, affecting earnings, economic mobility, employment, and civic engagement.
We encourage all interested applicants to join our mailing list to stay on top of program tips, deadlines, and information. Please also feel free to email us with any questions, including how we can help you make the best choice for your career next step, at