Chapter 1: Using Data to Guide Student Support

Implementation Level

  • District/Central Office
  • School
  • Program
  • Classroom

Who Implements

  • Teacher
  • Instructional Coach
  • Principal
  • Central Office Leadership
  • Specialist

Alli note: We would build a 2 column layout for this and figure out how to do check marks, or just insert a graphic.

What is the Practice?

The regular analysis of student data to proactively design interventions, typically using a customized data dashboard.

What do we mean by student data for interventions?

For the purposes of this practice, “student data” includes any quantitative or qualitative data that is:

  1. Aligned: directly connected to the CMO or school’s mission or goals for student learning;
  2. Regularly collected:  routinely collected at regular and predictable intervals, often on a weekly or bi-weekly basis;
  3. Actionable: within a teacher’s locus of control so they can take steps to improve student performance on the variable measures; and
  4. Student-level: related to student outcomes, whether that be academic, social/emotional, behavioral, or for college, community, or career readiness.
    Student data may include individual assignments, test grades, and mastery of standards. It might also include — for example, at a school committed to post-secondary readiness — data related to transition milestones, like resume preparation, work experience, SEL skills, or college applications.

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Why is This Practice Important?

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In this section, you’ll learn about:

  • Accessible and practical tools that can enable informed decision-making
  • How disaggregated data allows focus on priority population
  • How data can identify and help mitigate bias
  • How customized data visualization enhances existing systems

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Bringing This Practice to Life

Short summary of Bringing this practice to life section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt, velit non tempor laoreet, diam velit posuere purus, et sagittis nisi enim at ligula. Pellentesque ac massa blandit, laoreet justo ac, imperdiet velit. Nulla maximus fringilla metus sagittis gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin nisi felis, semper quis urna nec, luctus gravida lectus. Nunc lectus neque, luctus in lacus nec, pretium tempor arcu. Sed eget ante eget elit semper mattis sed at dolor.

In this section, you’ll learn about how STEM Prep has successfully brought this practice practice to life, including:

  • STEM Prep’s gradebook distribution tool
  • How STEM Prep designed and used continuous improvement cycles
  • Creating a culture of learning
  • Making the grade
  • Carrying it forward

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How to Implement This Practice

Short summary of How to Implement This Practice section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt, velit non tempor laoreet, diam velit posuere purus, et sagittis nisi enim at ligula. Pellentesque ac massa blandit, laoreet justo ac, imperdiet velit. Nulla maximus fringilla metus sagittis gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin nisi felis, semper quis urna nec, luctus gravida lectus. Nunc lectus neque, luctus in lacus nec, pretium tempor arcu. Sed eget ante eget elit semper mattis sed at dolor.

In this section, you’ll learn about: 

  • Enabling conditions for implementing this practice
  • Staff and resource needs for implementing this practice
  • A 5-step implementation plan, including:
    1. Creating your dashboard
    2. Designing the usage protocol
    3. Training educators
    4. Keeping data up-to-date
    5. Systematizing frequent use of data

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How to Measure

Short summary of How to Measure section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt, velit non tempor laoreet, diam velit posuere purus, et sagittis nisi enim at ligula. Pellentesque ac massa blandit, laoreet justo ac, imperdiet velit. Nulla maximus fringilla metus sagittis gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin nisi felis, semper quis urna nec, luctus gravida lectus. Nunc lectus neque, luctus in lacus nec, pretium tempor arcu. Sed eget ante eget elit semper mattis sed at dolor.

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Reviewing, analyzing, and planning based on specific student data is an essential practice in any improvement effort. Success of the practice requires an investment by school leaders into the development of the right data tool and into a structured system in which educators do the work of analyzing and using student data. To ensure educators are focusing on the needs of students in the priority population, regular time and clear protocols should be established for identifying overall trends, and for reviewing disaggregated group and individual student data in light of those trends. It is also important that educators know how to respond to data and that interventions are part of lesson planning. School leaders who plan the implementation of this type of system before the school year begins will be able to start the school year strong with teachers already knowledgeable about the students walking into their classrooms.

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